Engineer/researcher in MRI
I am currently working as an engineer in low-field MRI. For the past 12 years, I have been involved in MRI and MRS research projects using my skills in electronics, instrumentation, signal processing and programming. Moreover, I have a 4 years' experience with teaching at a university level.
- Expert in MR Spectroscopy and Imaging
- Extensive knowledge in MRI programming (Bruker/SIEMENS)
- Extensive knowledge in signal/image processing
- Fluent in French and in English
Work Experience
2024 – now
MRI4All industrial chair co-funded by A*MIDEX and Multiwave Technologies
- Development of novel MRI sequences dedicated to low-field MRI
- Focus on clinical applications
- Scientific collaboration with academic partners
2019 – 2023
Post-doctoral researcherCRMBM, Marseille, France
Central Nervous System's group.
- Development of MRS/MRSI methods on clinical systems (3 and 7T)
- 1H/31P metabolism exploration of the brain, spinal cord and heart
- Dissemination:
- 2 conference proceedings
- 5 articles (1 first-author)
- 3 articles in preparation
2016 – 2018
Post-doctoral researcherNeuroSpin, CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, Paris
Luisa Ciobanu's group.
CEA EuroTalent research fellowship program
- Development of novel functional MRI methods at 17.2T
- Method transfer to high field clinical systems (7T)
- Scientific collaboration with the Weizmann Institute, Israel
- Dissemination:
- 2 conference proceedings
- 2 articles (1 first-author)
2013 – 2016
Post-doctoral researcherWeizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel
Lucio Frydman's group.
Marie-Curie research fellowship program (2013)
- MRI/MRS programming for in vivo imaging on a wide range of microimaging and preclinical systems (4.7, 9.4, 11.7 and 15 T) including the ultra-high field 21.1T MRI (Maglab, USA)
- Distribution and support of the SPEN imaging sequence
- Dissemination:
- 12 conference proceedings
- 8 articles (1 first-author)
- Scientific collaborations with:
- NHMFL, Florida State University, USA
- Barrett Lab, Yale University, USA
- MRI Centre, University of Cambridge, UK
- CEA NeuroSpin, France
2008 – 2012
Ph.D.CREATIS, Université Lyon I, INSA, France
Specialized in MR sequence programming, acquisition & signal processing
Title: Development of new acquisition strategies and quantification methods for in vivo 2D Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (my thesis, my defense slides)
- MRS programming for in vivo multi-dimensional spectroscopy at preclinical fields (4.7 & 7 T)
- Quantitative multi-dimensional MRS signal processing
- Dissemination:
- 6 conference proceedings
- 1 first-author article
- Scientific collaborations with:
- CEISAM, University of Nantes, France
- Lucio Frydman's group, Weizmann Institute, Israel
2008 – 2012
340h of teaching including:
- Embedded systems and object-oriented programming courses
- Tutorial and practical sessions
2006 – 2008
6-months' training periodLAUM, Université du Maine, France
followed by punctual scientific collaborations
- Acquisition interface programming to analyze vibration properties
- Acoustic spectrum acquisition and modeling for microphones and loudspeakers
2004 – 2005
Training periodsIFREMER, Brest, France
in submarine acoustics
- National Instruments acquisition interface programming
- Submarine acoustic ray modeling
- Expert in Bruker MRI sequence programming (Paravision)
- Expert in Siemens MRI sequence programming (IDEA)
- Proficient in Python, MATLAB, C/C++, ASM
- Good knowledge in Java, HTML and PHP
- Good knowledge in Linux operating systems
- Education
2008 – 2012
Ph.D.CREATIS, Université Lyon I, INSA, France
Specialization in electronics & signal processing
2006 – 2008
Specialization in Electronics, Signal and Image Processing & Instrumentation
(Master Génie Electrique spécialité Signal & Image)
2005 – 2006
Specialization in Computer Science
(Licence d’informatique)
2004 – 2005
First year in ENSIMENSIM, Le Mans, France
Engineering school specialized in studies on acoustics and vibrations
2002 – 2004
Undergraduate degree in PhysicsIUT, Le Mans, France
Technical specialization in measurement & intrumentation
(Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie Mesures Physiques)
- Awards
- ISMRM 2017 Magna Cum Laude Merit Award
- CEA Eurotalent post-doctoral grant (2016)
- ISMRM 2016 Magna Cum Laude Merit Award
- Publications
Articles... in MRI
- Roussel T, Ranjeva JP and Guye M. Whole-brain 31P MRSI at 7 Tesla: application in epilepsy. (in preparation)
- Daudé P, Roussel T, Troalen T, Viout P, Hernando D, Guye M, Kober F, Confort Gouny S, Bernard M, Rapacchi S. Comparative review of algorithms and methods for chemical-shift-encoded quantitative fat-water imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2023 (10.1002/mrm.29860)
- Azilinon M, Scholly J, Zaaraoui W, Medina Villalon S, Viout P, Roussel T, El Mendili MM, Ridley B, Ranjeva JP, Bartolomei F, Jirsa V and Guye M. Combining Sodium MRI, Proton MR Spectroscopic Imaging and Intracerebral EEG in Epilepsy. Hum Brain Mapp. 2022 (10.1002/hbm.26102)
- Roussel T, Le Fur Y, Guye M, Viout P, Ranjeva JP and Callot V. Respiratory-triggered quantitative MR spectroscopy of the human cervical spinal cord at 7 T. Magn Reson Med. 2022;87:2600-2612 (10.1002/mrm.29182)
- Sourdon J, Roussel T, Costes C, Viout P, Guye M, Ranjeva JP, Bernard M, Kober F and Rapacchi S. Comparison of single-voxel 1H-cardiovascular magnetic resonance spectroscopy techniques for in vivo measurement of myocardial creatine and triglycerides at 3T. J Cardiov Magn Reson. 2021;23(1):53 (10.1186/s12968-021-00748-x)
- Markovic S, Roussel T, Agemy L, Sasson K, Preise D, Scherz A and Frydman L. Deuterium MRSI characterizations of glucose metabolism in orthotopic pancreatic cancer mouse models. NMR Biomed. 2021;16:e4569 (10.1002/nbm.4569)
- Markovic S, Roussel T, Neeman M and Frydman L. Deuterium Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Discrimination of Fetoplacental Metabolism in Normal and L-NAME-Induced Preeclamptic Mice. Metabolites. 2021;11:376 (10.3390/metabo11060376)
- Guo C, Wu J, RosenbergJT, Roussel T, Cai S and Cai C. Fast chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging based on PROPELLER acquisition and deep neural network reconstruction. Magn Reson Med. 2020;84:3192-3205 (10.1002/mrm.28376)
- Roussel T, Frydman L, Le Bihan D and Ciobanu L. Brain sugar consumption during neuronal activation detected by CEST functional MRI at ultra-high magnetic fields. Sci Rep. 2019;9:4423 (10.1038/s41598-019-40986-9)
Roussel T, Rosenberg JT, Grant SC and Frydman L. Brain investigations of rodent disease models by chemical exchange saturation-transfer at 21.1 T. NMR Biomed. 2018;E3995 (10.1002/nbm.3995)
- Markovic S, Fages A, Roussel T, Hadas R, Brandis A, Neeman M and Frydman L. Placental physiology monitored by hyperpolarized dynamic 13C magnetic resonance. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2018;115:E2429-E2436 (10.1073/pnas.1715175115)
- Abad N, Rosenberg JT, Roussel T, Grice DC, Harrington MG and Grant SC. Metabolic assessment of a migraine model using relaxation-enhanced 1H spectroscopy at ultrahigh field. Magn Reson Med. 2018;79:1266-1275 (10.1002/mrm.26811)
- Ciobanu L, Solomon E, Pyatigorskayaa N, Roussel T, Le Bihan D and Frydman L. fMRI contrast at high and ultrahigh magnetic fields: Insight from complementary methods. NeuroImage. 2015;113:37-43 (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.03.018)
- Leftin A, Roussel T and Frydman L. Hyperpolarized functional magnetic resonance of murine skeletal muscle enabled by a tracer-paradigm synchronizations. PLoS One. 2014;9 (10.1371/journal.pone.0096399)
- Roussel T, Giraudeau P, Ratiney H, Akoka S and Cavassila S. 3D localized 2D ultrafast J-resolved magnetic resonance spectroscopy: In vitro study on a 7T imaging system. J Magn Reson. 2012;215:50-55 (10.1016/j.jmr.2011.12.013)
Communication Proceedings... in MRI
- Sourdon J, Roussel T, Daudé P, Bernard M, Kober F and Rapacchi S. In vivo metabolic characterization of vegetarian diet effects on skeletal muscle using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. ISMRM 2022. (Virtual meeting)
- Markovic S, Roussel T, Neeman M and Frydman L. Deuterium metabolic imaging (DMI) of glucose metabolism in pregnant preeclamptic mice at 15.2 tesla. ISMRM 2021. (virtual meeting)
- Roussel T, Le Fur Y, Ranjeva JP and Callot V. Respiratory-triggered quantitative MR spectroscopy of the human spinal cord at 7 T. ISMRM 2020. (virtual meeting)
- Roussel T, Frydman L, Le Bihan D and Ciobanu L. CEST fMRI at ultra-high magnetic field. ISMRM 2017. Honolulu (power pitch presentation)
- Roussel T, Rosenberg JT, Grant SC and Frydman L. CEST-weighted MRI at 21.1 T: application to glioma and ischemic rat model. ISMRM 2017. Honolulu (oral presentation)
- Roussel T, Pavel S, Le Bihan D and Ciobanu L. The origins of CEST contrast in ischemic tissue: effects of hypotonic stress on the nervous system of aplysia californica. ISMRM 2017. Honolulu
- Markovic S, Rosenberg JT, Helsper S, Roussel T, Neeman M, Grant SC and Frydman L. Maternal and fetal glucose uptake followed by chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging (GlucoCEST) on pregnant mice at 21.1T. ISMRM 2017. Honolulu
- Markovic S, Fages A, Roussel T, Hadas R, Neeman M and Frydman L. Maternal-fetal exchange and metabolism followed in real-time by dynamic hyperpolarized 13C imaging on pregnant rats. ISMRM 2017. Honolulu
- Abad N, Rosenberg JT, Roussel T, Grice D, Harrington M and Grant SC. Metabolic assessment of a migraine model Using relaxation-enhanced 1H spectroscopy at ultra-high field. ISMRM 2017. Honolulu
- Roussel T, Rosenberg JT, Grant SC and Frydman L. High Resolution Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI at 21.1 T. ENC 2017. Florida
- Helsper S, Amouzandeh G, Markovic S, Roussel T, Neeman M, Grant SC, Rosenberg JT and Frydman L. In vivo GlucoCEST MRI of Maternal and Fetus Glucose Uptake at 21.1 T. ENC 2017. Florida
- Roussel T, Rosenberg JT, Grant SC and Frydman L. Metabolic profiling of in vivo brain rodent models by relaxation-enhanced 1H MRS of the downfield region at 21.1 T. ISMRM 2016. Singapore (oral presentation)
- Fages A, Roussel T, Lysenko M, Hadas R, Neeman M and Frydman L. Maternal-Fetal Exchanges Characterized by Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C Imaging on Pregnant Rats. ISMRM 2016. Singapore (oral presentation)
- Roussel T, Rosenberg JT, Grant SC and Frydman L. In vivo quantitative MR spectroscopy using Relaxation Enhancement: unassigned brain metabolite resonances at 21T upon Stroke. ISMRM 2015. Toronto (oral presentation)
- Roussel T and Frydman L. Ultrafast in vivo imaging by SPatiotemporal ENcoding (SPEN) for Bruker MRI systems. ISMRM 2014. Milan (poster)
- Roussel T, Leftin A and Frydman L. In vivo Hyperpolarized 13C Chemical Shift Imaging using Variable Flip Angle and Centric Phase Encoding of Stimulated Mouse Muscle. ISMRM 2014. Milan (poster)
- Roussel T, Giraudeau P, Ratiney H, Akoka S and Cavassila S. 3D Localized 2D J-Resolved MR Spectrum in a single scan. ISMRM 2012. Melbourne
- Akoka S, Roussel T, Giraudeau P, Ratiney H and Cavassila S. 2D ultrafast J-resolved MRS sequence with 3D localization: an in vitro validation on a 7T imaging system. ENC 2012. Miami
- Martel D, Roussel T, Friboulet D, Grenier D, and Ratiney H. B0 field Mapping to improve prior knowledge in quantitative 2D-MR Spectroscopy. ESMRMB 2012. Lisbone
- Roussel T, Giraudeau P, Ratiney H, Akoka S and Cavassila S. Towards in vivo ultrafast 2D Localized Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. ESMRMB 2011. Leipzig (oral presentation)
- Roussel T, Cavassila S and Ratiney H. Sampling strategy effects on in vivo 2D J-Resolved spectroscopy quantification. ISMRM-ESMRMB 2010. Stockholm (poster)
- Roussel T, Cavassila S and Ratiney H. Novel quantification strategy for in vivo 2D J-Resolved spectroscopy. ESMRMB 2009. Antalya (oral presentation)
- Roussel T, Ratiney H and Cavassila S. MRS 2D quantification vs 1D quantification. ISMRM 2009. Hawaii
Articles... in Acoustics
- Ravaud R, Lemarquand G, Roussel T and Lemarquand V. Ranking of the nonlinearities of electrodynamic loudspeakers. Arch Acoust. 2010;35:49-66 (
- Ravaud R, Lemarquand G and Roussel T. Experimental measurement of the nonlinearities of electrodynamic microphones. Appl Acoust. 2009;70:1194-1199 (10.1016/j.apacoust.2009.03.009)
- Ravaud R, Lemarquand G and Roussel T. Time-varying non linear modeling of electrodynamic loudspeakers. Appl Acoust. 2009;70:450-458 (10.1016/j.apacoust.2008.05.009)
:)Last update: 14/11/2024